Rebuildbcd Identified Windows Installations 0

So every time automatic disk repair won't work, it says there's a problem with srttrail.txt. So I tried looking at the logs to see what the problem was and nothing stood out(not sure what to look for but nothing flashed red lights as to there being a problem)and the file doesn't exist if I try to open it so I can't delete it. Then I tried refreshing but the disk was locked. I tried to create a new partition with no success due to there not being enough space or something. Then I torrented a copy of Windows 8 to load on from a different comp, but I'm not getting the option to load it from a flash drive in troubleshooting. Not sure what other options I have, if any. I'm open to anything, even if that means losing everything on my computer, I don't care at this point. I'm on an asus x551ca if that matters

Posted by5 years ago

Total identified windows installations: 0. Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by ishamm, Feb 19, 2011. May 12, 2014  Total identified Windows installations: 0. After updating my Microsoft Surface RT to Windows 8.1, it failed to start up again. It will prepair and attempt auto repair, which also keeps failing and will give me: Log file: C: windows System32 Logfiles Srt SrtTrail.txt I tried to recover with the USB, but this doesn't work.

Bootrec /rebuildbcd; restart your machine; If this won’t work (and you always get the message “Total identified Windows installations: 0”) try to get back to your last saved registry. Ein Gedanke zu „ Windows Server 2012 R2 Total identified Windows installations: 0 “ carolina sagt: Juli 26, 2017 um 1:57 am Uhr Hello. You are a genius. Hi Allison0510, 'Total identified Windows installations: 0' This indicates there is no Windows system detected. I am afraid present installation has been corrupted. I am afraid present installation has been corrupted. Total identified windows installations: 0 -- boots into safe mode fine - posted in Computer Wont Boot - Malware Related: I work in a computer repair shop and I currently have a computer with Windows 7 that hangs at the boot logo. It boots into Safe Mode fine, but won't boot normally. I've tried the following commands with no success: bootrec.exe /fixmbr bootrec.exe /fixboot bootrec.exe. Mar 30, 2018  Total identified Windows installations: 0; The operation completed successfully) (This may display 0 or 1) For each bootrec /scanow and bootrec /rebuildbcd the total identified Windows installations not in the BCD store were 0. Fix: bootrec /rebuildbcd fails the requested system device cannot be found Windows 10, 8, 7. How to fix bootrec /rebuildbcd fails the requested system device cannot be found Windows 10, 8, 7. Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.1].

Hi there, I am running Windows 7 Professional on a Dell Dimension E520.

Windows 10 Identified Windows Installations 0

Today while browsing my PC froze, so I shut down using the button and then tried to reboot. It hung at the Windows logo screen, so I then rebooted and tried 'startup repair' options.

It didnt seem to work and hung on that 'repairing' screen for two hours, then I headed back to google and found someone with similar probelm:

And then tried again but used their method with command prompt.

After the first and 2nd: bootrec.exe /fixmbr bootrec.exe /fixboot both succesful I then tried bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd

But, it returned: 'total identified windows installations: 0'

Then, realising I was in x: drive instead of c: I tried to change directories but when I typed c: it seemed to move there but I couldn't type anymore when it had, so I seem to be stuck in x: and have no idea whats going on now!

Please Help!

Rebuildbcd 0 Installations Windows 10

EDIT: BACK IN BUSINESS! thanks for all your help.

So the problem was that it seemed that startup recovery was not working properly and was looping after my PC froze then I rebooted but it would not boot, then after trying a bunch of things I freaked out and came here and posted a question that was actually not related to the problem.

Anyway so the solution was following this tutorial here EXACTLY:


Please note that I freaked out half way through and came here to ask for your help, meanwhile the above link fixed it - it was in startup recovery for 3 hours by the way!

Bootrec rebuildbcd finds 0 installations

Thanks again

Rebuildbcd Identified Windows Installations 0 10


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