I have a cyx-809III v5_2 with rtl8723bs wifi running on the stock kit kat rom. Everything works well except the sixaxis app. The controller is paired via the usb otg cable. When I click Start and the app says 'listening for controllers.' , the ps3 controller is not detected and it says 'Killed'. This happens every time. Please help me.
- Ps3 Controller Stuck In One Direction
- Sixaxis Controller Download
- Sixaxis Controller Android
- D Pad On Xbox One Controller Stuck
Whenever I play a game the controller justs starts choosing options that match the buttons out of nowhere without them being pressed. For Example I'll play call of duty and all of the sudden I'll start switching weapons or shooting without me pressing the button.
Is this a good question?
- DualShock 3 Repair. Repair and support for the controllers that shipped with the PS3. Released mid 2008, the six-axis lithium battery powered controller (CECHZC2) is straightforward to repair.
- I'm using MotioninJoy's DS3 tool, with the controller connected with a USB cable to the desktop. Everything is working great, except that each time I close my computer or disconnect the controller it 'panics' and turns on my PS3, at which point I have to go and close it.
Only difference with mine is it works normally on the charger as a wired controller why would this happen
Ps3 Controller Stuck In One Direction
Best guess is that your Bluetooth module is giving out wonky signals. Does it happen with other controllers?
Sixaxis Controller Download
As for mine, the controller works fine on another person's computer when I try but starts pressing itself randomly on mine
What I usually do is smack it against the floor until it works properly
I had the same problem. I then opened up my controller and cleaned the contacts. check this guide here: http://bit.ly/openps3controller
Hi guys!
So I’ve been busting my head for a few weeks now trying to use my PS3 controller on my Android. The reason why I can’t seem to get it to work is because after I install the Sixaxis pair tool on my PC I plug in the PS3 and from here the program gets stuck on ” installing driver”. I get this with the 0.1 version of the program.
I also tried to use the newest version( something like 0.25). With this, after I install it, I right-click on it, run as Admin. I then plug in the PS3 via USB and it shows some pop-up windows and it’s installing the driver( at least so it says). After a few minutes the pop-ups go away and I’m left with the main window which says, as well, “installing driver”. So I’m stuck again!!
Sixaxis Controller Android
I don’t know what to do. If someone can, please help me!
D Pad On Xbox One Controller Stuck
My problem is exactly the same as yours. Did you ever find a fix because it's driving me crazy
maybe you need microsoft c++ 2010
[JB][HOW TO] Connect Sixaxis PS3 Controller [No USB OTG]
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2095704Sixaxis Compatibility Checker
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dancingpixelstudios.sixaxiscompatibilitycheckerSixaxis Controller Instructions