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IPplan 4.92b

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Short details of IPplan:
IPplan is a free (GPL), web based, multilingual, TCP IP address management (IPAM) software and tracking tool written in php 4, simplifying the administration of your IP address space. IPplan goes beyond TCPIP address management including DNS administration, configuration file management, circuit...

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IPplan - IP address management and tracking

IPplan Download: IPplan is a TCP IP address management software and tracking tool IPplan, free IPplan downloads, download IPplan, IPplan downloads. IPplan is a free (GPL), web based, multilingual, TCP IP address management software and tracking tool written in php 4, simplifying the administration of your IP address space. IPplan goes beyond TCPIP address management including DNS administration, configuration file management, circuit management (customizable via templates) and storing of hardware information (customizable via templates). For installing Apache on a Windows platform, follow [60]these instructions. Or you can use [61]AppServ or [62]WampServer which are complete installation packages for Apache, MySQL and PHP for Windows - just add IPplan by following the installation instructions in the IPPLAN-WINDOWS file (part of IPPlan). Screenshots for IPplan 4.92b. IPplan 4.92b SCREENSHOT Free, web based, multilingual, TCP IP address management software and tracking tool. Alternatives to ipplan for Linux, Self-Hosted, Windows, Mac, Web and more. Filter by license to discover only free or Open Source alternatives. This list contains a total of 10 apps similar to ipplan. Popular Alternatives to ipplan for Linux, Self-Hosted, Windows, Mac, Web and more. Explore 10 websites and apps like ipplan, all suggested and ranked by the AlternativeTo user community.

Revision HistoryRevision 4.81 2007-01-23 Revised by: reRevision 2.91 2002-05-17 Revised by: re

IPplan is a free (GPL), web based, multilingual, IP address management andtracking tool written in [1]php 4, simplifying the administration of your IPaddress space. IPplan goes beyond IP address management including DNSadministration, configuration file management, circuit management(customizable via templates) and storing of hardware information(customizable via templates). IPplan can handle a single network or caterfor multiple networks and customers with overlapping address space. See theintroduction section for more._________________________________________________________________

Table of Contents

  1. [2]Introduction

    1.1. [3]Copyright Information1.2. [4]Disclaimer1.3. [5]New Versions1.4. [6]Credits1.5. [7]Feedback1.6. [8]Translations

  2. [9]Requirements

    2.1. [10]Databases2.2. [11]Additional features

  3. [12]Installation

    3.1. [13]Customization

  4. [14]Downloads, bugs and forums

    4.1. [15]Screenshots

  5. [16]Mode of operation

    5.1. [17]Services company5.2. [18]ISP

  6. [19]Concepts

    6.1. [20]Deployment strategy6.2. [21]Linking addresses

  7. [22]Administration

    7.1. [23]Admin user7.2. [24]Customer access7.3. [25]Subnet access7.4. [26]Group authority boundaries

  8. [27]Circuit administration, host configuration data and asset information

  9. [28]Device configuration file management

  10. [29]DNS administration

    10.1. [30]Handling exported zones10.2. [31]Automatic updating of zone records

  11. [32]Dealing with registrars

  12. [33]Searching

    12.1. [34]Searching for individual address details12.2. [35]Searching areas and ranges

  13. [36]Config file

  14. [37]Importing data

    14.1. [38]TAB delimited data14.2. [39]Importing using NMAP

  15. [40]Templates

    15.1. [41]Customer, Subnet, DNS and IP address templates15.2. [42]Registrar templates

  16. [43]DHCP

  17. [44]Triggers

  18. [45]External command line poller

  19. [46]IP address request system

  20. [47]Authentication schemes

  21. [48]Problems

  22. [49]Limitations

  23. [50]Questions and Answers (FAQ)


  1. Introduction

    IPplan is a web based, multilingual, IP address management and tracking toolbased on [52]php 4, simplifying the administration of your IP address space.IPplan can handle a single network or cater for multiple networks withoverlapping address space.

    Current functionality includes

    • internationalization
    • importing network definitions from routing tables
    • importing definitions from TAB delimited files and [53]NMAP's XML format
    • multiple administrators with different access profiles (per group,allowing access per customer, per network etc.)
    • define address space authority boundaries per group
    • finding free address space across a range
    • split and join networks to make them smaller and larger - ip definitionsremain intact
    • display overlapping address space between networks
    • search capabilities
    • an audit log - contents before and after change is logged
    • statistics
    • keeping track of and sending SWIP/registrar information
    • DNS administration (forward and reverse zones, import existing zones viazone transfer)
    • template system to extend IPplan to contain site specific informationlike circuit data, host configuration data, asset information
    • device configuration file management
    • external stylesheet to change display look
    • triggers - every user event can call a user defined function - useful toexecute backend DNS scripts
    • external poller - scan subnets for active addresses to gather usagestatistics
    • IP address request system - allows users to request static IP addressesfrom the database

    Two authentication methods are available - either IPplan's own internalauthentication scheme, or alternatively make use of any external Apacheauthentication module. This includes single sign on systems like SiteMinderor your own scheme based on LDAP, or any other Apache compatible system.

1.1. Copyright Information

This document is copyrighted (c) 2002 Richard E and is distributed under theterms of the Linux Documentation Project (LDP) license, stated below.

Unless otherwise stated, Linux HOWTO documents are copyrighted by theirrespective authors. Linux HOWTO documents may be reproduced and distributedin whole or in part, in any medium physical or electronic, as long as thiscopyright notice is retained on all copies. Commercial redistribution isallowed and encouraged; however, the author would like to be notified of anysuch distributions.

All translations, derivative works, or aggregate works incorporating anyLinux HOWTO documents must be covered under this copyright notice. That is,you may not produce a derivative work from a HOWTO and impose additionalrestrictions on its distribution. Exceptions to these rules may be grantedunder certain conditions; please contact the Linux HOWTO coordinator at theaddress given below._________________________________________________________________

1.2. Disclaimer

No liability for the contents of this documents can be accepted. Use theconcepts, examples and other content at your own risk. As this is a newedition of this document, there may be errors and inaccuracies, that may ofcourse be damaging to your system. Proceed with caution, and although thisis highly unlikely, the author(s) do not take any responsibility for that.

All copyrights are held by their by their respective owners, unlessspecifically noted otherwise. Use of a term in this document should not beregarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.

Naming of particular products or brands should not be seen as endorsements.


It is strongly recommended to make a backup of your system before majorinstallation or upgrades and to backup at regular intervals._________________________________________________________________

1.3. New Versions

See the CHANGELOG file for more information._________________________________________________________________

1.4. Credits

Thanks to [54]ValueHunt Inc. for the use of their layout class used forrendering all HTML pages.

Thanks to [55]AdoDB for the use of their generic database abstraction class.

Thanks to [56]Vex for their Visual Editor for XML used to generate theIPplan documentation.

Thanks to [57]The PHP Layers Menu System for their menu system._________________________________________________________________

1.5. Feedback

Feedback is most certainly welcome for this document. Without yoursubmissions and input, this document wouldn't exist. Please send youradditions, comments and criticisms to the following email address :<[58]>._________________________________________________________________

1.6. Translations

See the INSTALL and TRANSLATIONS files on how to enable multilingual supportand how to do a translation to your own language. Doing a translation doesnot require any programming experience. Current languages supported areEnglish, Bulgarian, French - Auto Translation, German - Auto Translation,Italian - Auto Translation, Norwegian - Auto Translation, Portuguese - AutoTranslation and Spanish - Auto Translation.

Nickola Kolev for the Bulgarian translation - nikky at

Conrado Pinto Rebessi for the Brazillian translation - conradopinto

Tadashi Jokagi for the Japanese transalation - elf2000

Vladimir Leshchenko for the Russian translation - worker atsmtn.stavropol.ru_________________________________________________________________

  1. Requirements

    IPplan requires a working web server installation. Currently the [59]Apacheweb server is preferred, but php as an ISAPI or CGI module on IIS works too

    • follow the appropriate installation instructions in the IPplan directory(INSTALL-IIS+MSSQL). Apache works just fine on Windows platforms too. Forinstalling Apache on a Windows platform, follow [60]these instructions. Oryou can use [61]AppServ or [62]WampServer which are complete installationpackages for Apache, MySQL and PHP for Windows - just add IPplan byfollowing the installation instructions in the IPPLAN-WINDOWS file (part ofIPPlan).

2.1. Databases

IPplan requires a working database installation. The following databasescurrently work:

The following may work, but are untested - Sybase. In fact, any databasethat supports SQL99 compliant joins, in particular LEFT JOIN, should work.See limitations section below for more.

The web scripting language [66]php 4.1 or higher must also be installed as amodule in Apache (NOT as a cgi). Php must have the preferred database drivercompiled in and enabled. See the respective web sites and installationdocuments for more detail. IPplan works just fine with a combination of theApache web server and php on a Windows platform - just read the relevantinstallation instructions for Windows carefully.


IPplan is also known to work in a distributed, replicated MySQL environmentwith multiple database servers. See [67] for moreinformation._________________________________________________________________

2.2. Additional features

To enable SNMP support, you will require the [68]ucd-snmp package installedand configured in your environment. This must also be activated in the phpconfiguration. SNMP support is only required if you wish to read routingtables directly from routers._________________________________________________________________

  1. Installation

    Follow the instructions for your platform and database in the INSTALL filesin the IPplan directory.

3.1. Customization

IPplan is customizable in many ways. See the sections on templates, triggersand pollers. You can also extend the menu system to include your own custommenus for other systems at your site - see the config.php file for anexample._________________________________________________________________

  1. Downloads, bugs and forums

    You can report bugs, contribute to forums and download it [69]here and lookat the latest [70]TODO and [71]CHANGELOG.

4.1. Screenshots

You can find some screen shots [72]here._________________________________________________________________

  1. Mode of operation

    There are two modes of operation, one can be classified as a servicescompany and the other as an ISP.

5.1. Services company

As a services company your primary use of IPplan will be to manageindividual IP address records and the address plan of one or more customers._________________________________________________________________

5.2. ISP

In ISP mode, you will assign blocks of IP address space to your customers.In this mode, you will not be concerned at all with individual IP addressrecords and how the customer breaks down his assigned address space. Whenyou operate as an ISP, you may also generate SWIP/registrar entries, whichare only useful if you deal directly with ARIN or any other registrar. (SWIPis enabled in the config.php file, see ARIN [73]tutorial for more details).All the relevant SWIP/registrar information is entered when the customer iscreated.

When using this mode, I suggest creating a dummy customer which holds allthe allocated address space from your regional registrar (ARIN?) alreadybroken up into the various blocks that you will eventually assign to yourcustomers. All these blocks should be called 'free' to allow them to befound using the 'Find free' menu option. Once you are ready to assign ablock, create a new customer with all the relevant SWIP/registrarinformation completed, go to your dummy customer and move a block of addressspace to the newly created customer, and finally generate a SWIP/registrarentry for the new block. In this mode areas and ranges are not too relevantexcept for the dummy customer (see concepts below). You may also need tocreate a template for your registrar in the templates directory. If you havedone this, feel free to contribute it to IPplan._________________________________________________________________

  1. Concepts

    The flow of address management is based on the creation of areas, thenranges which belong to areas, and finally, subnets which belong to ranges.Actually, only subnets are required, but on large networks it makes logicalsense to group the network into areas to ease administration and to reducerouting updates on the network. There is a jpeg drawing included with thedistribution that graphically shows these relationships. The methodologyemployed borrows significantly from OSPF routing concepts which areexplained more fully [74]here.

6.1. Deployment strategy

So in a new installation, first create the areas, then create ranges addingthem to areas, and finally create subnets. Searching is now a simple matterof selecting an area which will display all the ranges for the area, orselecting no area and simply selecting a range from the total list ofranges, or simply selecting a base network address.


Within a customer or autonomous system, no overlaps of address space isallowed. This follows standard IP addressing rules. You can have overlappingranges/aggregates, but the default behaviour of ranges also preventsoverlaps. This can be changed in the config.php file.

To handle challenges like NAT or other overlapping address space, you willbe required to create multiple autonomous systems. See 'Searching' below howto see information across multiple autonomous systems._________________________________________________________________

6.2. Linking addresses

IP address records can be linked together. This allows one address ormultiple addresses to reference another address or addresses. Using thisfeature allows for the referencing of NATed addresses or having a link to aloopback address of a device. Linking is done on the IP address details pageby completing the 'Linked address' field. Once the field is completed, youcan follow the link. The link also appears on subnet summary pages.

You can also link many addresses in one go by choosing multiple addresses inthe 'Select multiple addresses to do a bulk change' window, then completingthe 'User' field as follows:LNKx.x.x.x userinfo

The LNK identifier must be in uppercase, followed by exactly one valid IPaddress with no spaces, then followed by an optional space and userdescription. After the page is submitted, the embedded LNK will vanish.


If the destination record of a linked address does not exist, a record willautomatically get created pointing back to the source address, but only ifthe destination subnet exists. This is to signal the 'Find Next Free'address logic of the subnet that the destination address is used._________________________________________________________________

  1. Administration

    The access control is divided up into three layers and revolves around thecreation of groups:

7.1. Admin user

Firstly you will need to create users and groups using the admin userdefined in the config.php script. The admin user can only be used on theadmin pages. Once you are done with the admin functions, you will berequired to re-authenticate as one of the newly created users as soon as youaccess functions on the main index page._________________________________________________________________

7.2. Customer access

When a customer is created, a group must be assigned to the customer. Thiswill be the customers admin group and all members of this group can createand delete both subnets, ranges, areas and individual IP address records forthe customer.

When the subnet is created, the creator will choose a subnet admin group._________________________________________________________________

7.3. Subnet access

The users assigned to the group that has subnet access can only modifyindividual IP records for that subnet.

Initially I would create three groups, one group that can create customers,one group that can create subnets, areas and ranges, and another group whichcan only modify individual IP records. Normally in large networks the peoplethat modify IP records are not the same people that administer routers andconfigure the IP address space.

If a group is set to see only a particular customer, the same group needs tobe used for all operations for the customer. The side effect to this is thatthe users assigned to the group have full access to the customer and canmake any changes to the customers data, including creating and deletion ofsubnets. This is not ideal and will be changed in future.


Groups can be created that prevent certain users from changing anadministrator defined number of reserved addresses at the start of a subnet._________________________________________________________________

7.4. Group authority boundaries

Areas of responsibility can be assigned to a group, thus limiting whataddress space a group can create networks in. The default behavior allowsadministration anywhere. Care should be taken when using this feature aschanging the boundaries at a later stage may orphan some parts of thedatabase and yield data inaccessible.


If a user belongs to multiple groups and one of the groups does not haveboundaries defined, then the user is granted all access. Thus boundaries area sum of all the boundaries the user belongs to.


Bounds are also useful to create users that only have read access to theIPplan information. Select the 'Read Only' option when creating a new group._________________________________________________________________

  1. Circuit administration, host configuration data and asset information

    Using the template capability IPplan can be extended to contain custominformation about your site. You can add any number of custom fields foryour site. See the section on 'Templates' for further information.

  2. Device configuration file management

    Any number of files can be attached to individual IP records. Using thisfeature, configuration data (text and binary, drawings etc) for devices canbe stored and managed by IPplan.

  3. DNS administration

Both forward and reverse zones can be created via the web interface. Zonedomains are forward zones - there can be as many forward zones as you likeper customer. Each of these can be unique or they can even overlap withother customers.

Forward Zones:

To create a forward zone, select a customer and select 'Add a DNS zone'. Thenext screen will allow you to enter information for the new zone. The domainname must be entered as must at least two nameservers.

At this point you have the option of creating a new zone from scratch,cloning (copying) a zone from an already existing zone called'', or importing an existing zone via a zone transfer. If you doa zone transfer, the PRIMARY or SECONDARY DNS servers must be directlycontactable from the webserver on which IPplan is running. If the DNS serveris not contactable an error will be returned.

If a domain is created from scratch, the domain name must be entered as mustat least two upstream DNS servers. The DNS servers are automatically enteredfor you if the customer record (created via 'Create a newcustomer/autonomous system') contains DNS servers. This is a good way to nothave to manually add the DNS servers for each new zone created. The DNSservers can be changed and will be independent per zone created. At thebottom of the Add/Edit screen is place to enter two zone file paths. Infuture this can be used to determine where the zone must be saved or on whatDNS server the zone must be created - currently these fields do nothing.

The next step is to add individual records to the newly created zone. Dothis under the 'Zone DNS records' main menu function. Select the customer,select the domain and add a host. The 'Host name' refers to the left handside of a bind zone file, then the type (A, CNAME or MX - more types infuture) and the 'IP/Hostname' refers to the right hand side of the zonefile. In future the screen will change depending on the record type youselect and more record types will be possible. The sort order determines theplacement of the record in the zone and on the screen. This is a number andthe default is 9999 or the end of the file. If you want to insert recordsbetween other records, work out a numbering plan.

In future this will be automatic with options to 'Insert before' and 'Insertafter'. Currently you can renumber the values retaining the order of theentries.

Reverse zones:

To create reverse zones is very much like creating a forward zone, exceptthat there are no detail records. All that is required is to create astarting address and mask. The actual reverse records are extracted based onthe start and mask from the IP records when you create a subnet and addrecords to the subnet. The field used is the host name field and all invalidinformation in this field will be ignored with a warning.

Once your forward and reverse zones are created, each time a change is madeyou will be required to export the zone by clicking on the 'Export zone'option. The output generated is in XML and must then be parsed using andXSLT processor into a format compatible with your DNS server._________________________________________________________________

10.1. Handling exported zones

The zone files are created in the directory specified by the DNSEXPORTPATHvariable in the config.php file. The files are in XML format and are createdwhen a user hits the Export option either on the DNS page or Reverse zonepage. The files have a format of zone_ or revzone_ followed by the zone namefollowed by a trailing unique identifier, which is operating systemdependent. The file has a .xml extension.

If a template is attached to the forward zone, the template fields will alsoappear in the exported XML file with tag names the same as the templatefield names.

These files must be processed using a XML stylesheet processor into a formatsuitable for your DNS server, and then placed into the correct location andactivated by your DNS server. This is beyond the scope of IPplan and willrequire custom scripts for your installation. Contributions are welcome.

Sample procedure:

You will require a script for your environment that periodically runs tocheck for new zone files that have been added to the output directory. Youwill probably use cron to do this. Once your script finds a file, you canextract the file paths saved in IPplan using a simple grep:

grep -A 1 ' /tmp/revzone_FS9mEU|grep -v '

This gives me the primary file path. Once you have the destination path,process the file and copy the output by whatever means your environment usesto the target DNS server. I would suggest using scp with a public key on theremote server to prevent having to type in user id's and passwords duringthe copy process.

Processing the file:

A sample XSLT stylesheet can be found in the contrib directory to transformthe forward zone XML (files starting with zone_) into a bind8 or highercompatible zone file. I use xsltproc from the libxslt package ([75] which should be installed on most modern linuxsystems. A different stylesheet (.xsl file) will be required for each DNSserver system that you use - I have no intention of writing style sheets forall the various DNS servers out there, but you are more than welcome to sendme style sheets for different DNS servers to be included with IPplan.

A sample command is:

xsltproc bind9_zone.xsl zone_

For sample XML input of:


Generating output as follows:

$ORIGIN$TTL 86400@ IN SOA (2004062604 ; serial21600 ; refresh3600 ; retry604800 ; expire21600 ) ; minimum TTL

myhost IN A IN CNAME myhostIN MX 10 mailhost_________________________________________________________________

10.2. Automatic updating of zone records

IP subnet records (which equate to zone PTR records) and forward zone Arecords will automatically get syncronised and updated provided a number ofcriteria are fulfilled.

If a DNS A record is created or updated, and there is exactly one A recordacross all the customers zones matching one IP subnet record, then the IPrecord hostname field will be updated with the A record hostname field.

If an IP record hostname field is updated, then the zone A record field willbe updated if there is exactly one A record matching the IP record acrossall the customers zones.

If an IP record hostname field is updated and a matching A record cannot befound, then an A record will automatically be created in the matching domainprovided there is only one matching domain. This will only happen if theDNSAUTOCREATE setting is TRUE in config.php.

Under all the above conditions a warning message will be displayed statingthat an update occured. The appropriate log entries will be made andtriggers will fire._________________________________________________________________

  1. Dealing with registrars

Registrars are interacted with by email. IPplan can manage all the recordsand manage all the fields and data required to generate the registrarupdates, no matter what the registrar is (ARIN, RIPE, APNIC etc). Beforethese functions will work, the correct config variables need to be set -these include the REGENABLED, MAINTAINERID, REGISTRY, REGEMAIL etc. Onlyusers belonging to the customer admin group can send these updates.Additional fields can be added to the IPplan display pages if required, andthese fields are also available to the registrar templates.

To generate updates, the required registrar template is selected. IPplanincludes a limited number of templates, but these are fully customizable andsimple to create and modify - see the section on 'Templates' later in themanual. Once the template is selected, the fields from the database aresubstituted into the template file and the output is displayed on thescreen. The user then selects which updates should be sent to the registrar.The selected updates are then sent via email and the date the updates weresent are recorded in the IPplan database._________________________________________________________________

  1. Searching

Creating a special customer called 'All' allows searching for informationacross all the available customer/autonomous systems using the 'Displaysubnet' function. This special customer can contain areas and ranges thatlimit the scope of searches, just like normal customers. Using this featureallows a user to see the entire network picture in one view.


When creating new subnets, it is also beneficial to create unused subnetswith a a description of either 'free' or 'spare'. These can be searched forat a later stage using the 'Find Free' function.


It may also be beneficial to give ASE (Autonomous System External, networksnot local to yours) a special handle like EXTERNAL so that they can besearched for at a later stage. These networks often appear in routing tablesas static routes to third parties (not via the Internet)._________________________________________________________________

12.1. Searching for individual address details

Searching can also be done on individual addresses using the 'Match any IPaddress in subnet' option of the 'Display subnet information' option. Thisis useful for finding which networks, either for a single customer, or forall customers an IP address belongs to. Using this option makes it easy tofind the offending network in a complaint situation if you are an ISP.

If matching by IP address, you will automatically jump to the IP addressedit page if the search is unique and matches only one subnet from onecustomer. If you use the 'All' customer you will need to click on therelevant customer network you wish to work with._________________________________________________________________

12.2. Searching areas and ranges

You can also create areas and ranges to search across only certain addressspace ranges. Areas are containers for ranges. Selecting an area that hasranges attached will search only in those ranges. Select an area and notselecting a range will search across all the ranges in the area.

Depending on what settings have been selected in the config.php file, rangesmay either never overlap (the default), have overlaps within an area only,or overlap in anyway, including having duplicate ranges.


Areas with no attached ranges will not display in the 'Area' selection listuntil ranges are added to the area. Areas with no ranges yeild no searchresults._________________________________________________________________

  1. Config file

A a number of settings that can be changed in the config.php file. Theseinclude the database connection information, admin user and password, andthe number of lines displayed in tables. See the comments in the config.phpfile for more details._________________________________________________________________

  1. Importing data

Data can be imported by the admin user via TAB delimited text files or fromoutput generated in XML format by [76]NMAP._________________________________________________________________

14.1. TAB delimited data

Network definitions or individual ip records can be imported in TABdelimited format.

The order of columns for network definitions or subnet descriptions are(three columns required): The first column contains the IP base address, thesecond the description and the third the mask either in dotted decimalformat or in bit format.

The order of columns for importing IP records should be (six columnsrequired): The first column contains the IP address, the second the user,the third the location, the fourth the description, the fifth the hostnameand the sixth the telephone number.

If you have more than six columns, the remaining columns will be enteredinto the user defined fields specified in the template. The order will bethe order the fields are defined in the XML template file.

See the templates section for details on how the templates work._________________________________________________________________

14.2. Importing using NMAP

A typical application for this would be to obtain data for networks thatthere are no records for. NMAP would be used to obtain the host info of allthe addresses that are active on the network. Once this is done, the datacan be read into IPplan. The NMAP parameters required by IPplan to generatea valid import file are:Â -sP -oX output.xml

To speed up the process, you can add -n to not resolve host names. Theimport process also understands the -O operating system detection parameter.To use -O, you will need to drop the -sP parameter. Using -O increasesscanning time significantly.

As of version 3.93 of nmap, the -sP option also returns the MAC addresswhich will be recorded in the MAC address field of the subnet IP record. MACaddresses only appear if the scan was done using root user - thus the MACaddress will not appear if nmap was executed through php and the webserver.You can set the S bit on the nmap binary, but this is not advised due tosecurity concerns._________________________________________________________________

  1. Templates

Various forms of templates are available. These include templates that addadditional, custom fields to the IPplan display pages (different templatescan be added to the customer, subnet and ip address record pages), andtemplates that then munipulate the data contained in the IPplan databases togenerate output for various registrars. All of these templates are fullyadministrator customizable with display fields added to customer and subnetpages automatically available in output templates used to generate registrarupdates._________________________________________________________________

15.1. Customer, Subnet, DNS and IP address templates

The administrator can define a custom template in IPplan to allow theaddition of as many custom fields to the customer, subnet, DNS forward zonesand ip address record pages as the administrator wishes. This functionalityallows flexibility in the way data is added to the database. Some uses forthese templates include tracking asset information or WAN circuitinformation, the management of DHCP address space, dealing with additionaland ever changing registrar requirements.

As mentioned there are different template files for the customer, subnet,DNS and IP address pages. The template for each of these pages has adifferent name:

Customer pages - custtemplate.xml

Install Ipplan On Windows 7

Subnet pages - basetemplate.xml

DNS forward zones - fwdzonetemplate.xml

IP address pages - iptemplate.xml

IP address pages (network address) - iptemplate-network.xml

A sample template called iptemplate.xml.sample can be found in the/ipplan/templates/display directory.

If a template called called iptemplate-network.xml exists, then thistemplate will be used for network addresses (the first address of thesubnet). This is useful to define subnet wide information like VLAN id's,telco line numbers, router configurations etc. If the iptemplate-network.xmldoes not exist, then the iptemplate.xml template will be used for networkaddresses.

The above templates are generic and act across all customers, and thus allfields are the same for all customers. Unique templates can be created percustomer by adding the customer id to the template name. To obtain thecustomer id (a number), use the Admin/Maintenance function within IPplan. Tocreate a unique IP address template for customer id 25, place a templatefile called iptemplate-25.xml in the /ipplan/templates/display directory.This template will override the default template for customer 25 only._________________________________________________________________

15.1.1. Format of Customer, Subnet and IP address template files

The templates are well formed XML files with a .xml extension and should bestored in the /ipplan/templates/display directory. You should use thexmllint tool to test the XML file before using it with IPplan - no errorsshould be returned.

The standard iptemplate.xml file adds a free form text field to all the ipaddress record pages and has this definition:

A field definition to add a select drop down list:

ptions' DEFAULT='2'>

The template file must be surrounded with statements. Note thatXML tags are case sensitive and must match as per the example. Each field iscontained in a statement. Each field must have exactly one line. Any line with an error will be silently ignore! Thefollowing are valid for a definition:


This is the field name used internally to track the names of the variables.Can contain letters and numbers only - no spaces or anything else.


This is the description that will be displayed above the field.


This is the type of the field. C for a character field and T for a memo ormulti-line field, S for a select drop down list.


The default value for the field the first time the field is completed.


This is the maximum number of characters a field can consist of.


This is the display length of the field on the screen - if SIZE is less thanMAXLENGTH, the field will scroll. SIZE may not be more than MAXLENGTH.


This is the number of rows to display on the screen - only valid for text ormulti-line fields.


This is a regular expression to test validity of the entered information. Totest a field, use ^ and $ to signify the start and end of the field, sosomething like^[a-zA-Z0-9]$

ensures that the field only contains numbers and letters. See for more on regular expressions.

Regular expressions are PERL compatible and use a / character as thedelimiter, thus if you want to match on a /, you will need to escape the /.So to match a letter, / and a number, this is the expression^[a-zA-Z/0-9]$

Regular expression | can be used for multiple matches. Thus the followingwill match a field or a blank entry^[a-zA-Z/0-9]$|^$


This is the error message that is displayed if the regular expression matchfails.

Default template:

The default template contains one field which is the 'Additionalinformation' field of older versions of IPplan. If you do not want thisfield, change the template or delete the template entirely.

Template rules:

If you delete the template all fields will vanish and cannot be accessed. IPrecords that have been completed with fields from a template will not belost, but records that do not have template fields cannot have templatefields added until the template is either restored or similar fields areadded.


Deleting fields from a template results in existing fields in the databasewith template data using a default field definition. The data is not lost.It is not a good idea to modify or change the template on a productionsystem. Plan the template fields carefully before implementing._________________________________________________________________

15.2. Registrar templates

Templates for sending information to registrars should be well formed XMLstylesheets. See the existing templates in the /ipplan/templates directoryfor examples. Currently only the<xsl:value-of select='variable'/>

tag is understood and all other XML tags are stripped, thus only variablesubstitution is done. This is to prevent requiring the XSLT php library tobe compiled in. In future XML stylesheets will be supported in full.

There are a number of special variables available during the registraroutput process which are defined in the config.php file:

source -> the REGISTRY config settingmaint -> the MAINTAINERID config settingregid -> the REGID config settingpassword -> the REGPASS config settingdate -> todays date in UTC format

in addition to the standard customer page variables:

ntsnum -> starting of IP address rangentenum -> end of IP address rangentname -> network name as defined in thesubnet description fieldDNS:hname1 -> DNS hostname 1ipaddr1 -> Primary DNS serverhname2 -> DNS hostname 2ipaddr2 -> Secondary DNS serverhname3 -> DNS hostname 3ipaddr3 -> Third DNS server...hname10 -> DNS hostname 10ipaddr10 -> Thenth DNS server

Contact:org -> Organizationstreet -> Streetcity -> Citystate -> Statezipcode -> Zip code/Postal codecountry -> Two letter country code

Technical contact:nichandl -> Nickname/handlelname -> Lastnamefname -> Firstnamemname -> Middle nametorg -> Organizationtstreet -> Streettcity -> Citytstate -> Statetzipcode -> Zip code/Postal codetcntry -> Two letter country codephne -> Phone numbermbox -> Email address

Plus any variables defined in a customer template (custtemplate.xml) andalso the subnet template (basetemplate.xml) as described above will also beavailable. The names of the variables will be the same as defined in thecustomer template.

Thus the following basetemplate.xml file:

will provide the following additional variable to the registrar template

remarks -> Remarks field for subnet


If there are duplicate variable names defined, the variables in thebasetemplate.xml file, then the custtemplate.xml file appearing in the'Additional information' section of the customer and subnet administrationpages will have precedence over any standard variables._________________________________________________________________

  1. DHCP

A special sample template called basetemplate.xml.dhcp can be used in placeof the basetemplate.xml file to provide DHCP support. This template works inconjunction with the DHCP export function of IPplan. For a DHCP export towork, the subnet must have the correct template, the subnet must be markedas DHCP and subnet address descriptions must start with the 'DHCPRESERVED'config.php variable. Once an export has been initiated, the resulting outputmust be processed via an XML parser just like any other export function ofIPplan.

Multiple address pools can be simulated by adding numbers to the end of theIP address decsriptions eg. 'Reserved - DHCP pool 1'. Static assignments aredealt with automatically if an IP address has a valid MAC address assigned._________________________________________________________________

  1. Triggers

Every database event (create a customer, update an ip record, export a DNSzone file etc) in IPplan can trigger an external user defined function orscript. This is useful to update and external system like a DNS server oncesomething in IPplan has changed.

You will be required to write your own custom script to do the requiredaction. This script will be called from the user_trigger() function in theipplanlib.php script. See the comments of this function for more details.

A list of all the IPplan triggers and what information is passed to theuser_trigger() function can be found in the TRIGGERS file._________________________________________________________________

  1. External command line poller

The poller allows you to periodically scan subnets for addresses that areactive on the network. This information is then logged in the IPplandatabase and will appear on the display subnet page. You can find the pollerscript in the IPplan contrib directory.

The scans are done using nmap, thus large networks can be scanned rapidly.Subnets that are to be scanned get entered into a plain text file, somaintenance is easy. Polling can be automated by adding the poller to cron.

Firstly, you will need to create a file containing a list ofnetworks/addresses that you would like to poll. The file is a text file withone address per line in the any format that the nmap command understands(type nmap -h for more info).*

Once you have created your file you will need to make sure the poller isconfigured correctly. Edit the poller file and change the path at the top tothe correct place where the command line php can be found on your system.

You can find the location by typing

Install Ipplan Windows

which php

Next make sure that nmap can be found. Type

which nmap

and either update the NMAP statement in the IPplan config.php file, oruncomment the NMAP define at the top of ipplan-poller.php and update toreflect the correct path to nmap. This define will override whatever is inconfig.php allowing a different NMAP to be used. You may also leaveconfig.php blank to prevent scanning from within the IPplan web frontend.

Now run the ipplan-poller.php file with the -d option, or navigate to theadmin->maintenance page. This will dump a list of customers and customerid's. You need to find the id of the customer you want to update:

php -q ipplan-poller.php -d

ID Description2 Test46 Test customer47 Test customer 2

Finally run the poller again with the correct command line (assuming youwant to update the customer called 'Test customer' which has id 46):

php -q ipplan-poller.php -c 46 -f nmap.list

If the configuration is correct and there are no errors, there should be nooutput - the database is updated silently in the background. Any addressthat was successfully polled will now have a key in the 'Pol' column on theIPplan display pages.

D polled todayW polled within last weekM last monthY last year

You can now add the above line to cron to scan certain subnets periodically.

The following command line options are available with the poller:

IPplan poller v1.0

-h this message!-q suppress check if tool is executed from the command line-d dump a list of customers and customer id's-f filename containing list of subnets to scan, one per line in address/bits formatsee the NMAP manpage for examples-hostnames resolve and populate hostnames-time timestamps the scan at start and completion-a create auditlog entries for newly added records

-c customer id to update

example: php ipplan-poller.php -dphp ipplan-poller.php -time -hostnames -f /tmp/nmap.lst -c 1

Using the -hostnames option will query the DNS when polling addresses andupdate the host name field within IPplan with the DNS name. Note that usingthis option could significantly increase polling time, especially withincorrectly configured DNS servers. Use the -time option to determine impactof using the -hostnames option.


Security: You should use a different user and password to access thedatabase using the command line poller. I suggest creating a user that canonly SELECT, UPDATE and INSERT into the ipaddr table, and SELECT from thebase and customer tables. See your database administrator or manual for moredetails._________________________________________________________________

  1. IP address request system

IPplan has a request feature whereby users can request individual IPaddresses by completing a form. This form is then submitted into the IPplandatabase and via email to an administrator or help desk account forprocessing. When the administrator processes the request, all outstandingrequests for a particular customer/AS will appear on the IP address modifyscreen. The administrator picks the relevant address from the list and allthe fields are automatically completed with the request details. Theadministrator can then change some of the fields details before submitting.When the form is submitted, the request is deleted.

Up to 100 outstanding requests can be active at one time (this isconfigurable by changing a variable at the start of the requestip.phpscript). This is to prevent denial of service on the database as the requestpage is not authenticated. Excess junk requests can be cleared via an adminonly option on the maintenance page.

Request email addresses are set in the config file. The list of visiblecustomers/AS's that addresses can be requested for are also set via configoptions. The default is that addresses can be requested for all customers.

The request page also has the top menu structure disabled by default (thiscan be enabled by changing a variable at the start of the requestip.phpscript). Disabling the menu allows the page to be used as a generic requestpage on a sites intranet server without confusing regular users with menuoptions they cannot use or access.


If an email field exists in the iptemplate.xml file, this field will be usedto popup an email window, allowing the newly actioned requested address tobe emailed back to the requester. The email window will only display afterSubmit has been pressed and the user has entered a valid email address.

A sample definition for this field is as follows:

Install Ipplan On Windows 8

See the section on templates for more information.

If a valid email address is found in the above field you will be given theoption to email the details back to the requester. The gateways are sitespecific and can vary - manual completion of this field is required unlessone of the subnet addresses has a description field starting with GW. Thisaddress will then be used as the gateway address in the email._________________________________________________________________

  1. Authentication schemes

IPplan supports either its own internal authentication scheme, or anexternal scheme based on the Apache webservers authentication modules. Touse an external scheme, change the setting in the config.php file. Next,place the relevant .htaccess file in the IPplan user subdirectory(/ipplan/user). Do not place an equivalent file in the admin subdirectory asthe admin account cannot be overridden.


When using the external authentication method, IPplan never prompts for auserid and password. It is the responsibility of the external module to dothe prompting, if any. IPplan uses the credentials supplied and matches themto the IPplan userid records to determine if access should be granted.


The relevant users requiring access to IPplan must still be created via theIPplan admin interface, but no password information is required as this isoverridden by the external authenticator.

If the user is removed from the external authenticators database (ldap,radius etc), the user will no longer be able to log in to IPplan even if theaccount still exists in IPplan. This scheme only handles single signon andpassword changes, not single point of administration.

Make sure that the external authenticator only returns the userid in the phpREMOTE_USER variable. Ldap (or auth_ldap) by default will return the entireDN, but this can be configured to return only the userid. From the auth_ldapdocs at [77] ensure thatthe AuthLDAPRemoteUserIsDN is set correctly. You will also need to look atthe AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN attribute.

Read the instructions in config.php carefully for debug tips.

External authentication was tested against SiteMinder and the Apache[78]auth_ldap module. The [79]CAS authentication module is also supported -there are special config.php variables to support this configuration.



  1. Problems

    • PHP's IP management functions and binary arithmetic functions areseriously broken (see [80]bug report logged) Due to this limitation, thebiggest subnet that can be created is limited to 254k hosts.
    • This brokenness also prevents the use of the ip2long() and long2ip()functions introduced with php 4.x. I have used php only functions calledinet_aton() and inet_ntoa().
    • SNMP appears to be broken on Redhat 7.2 systems. Try following these[81]instructions for help.
  2. Limitations

    • Due to the authentication scheme used, only the Apache web server issupported currently. PHP installed under IIS as a cgi is reported towork too.
    • IPplan can be run with php configured for safe_mode=on andregister_globals=off.
    • IPplan was developed using MySQL as a database. Using other databasesrequire workarounds for some functionality which is not optimal. Duringmy own tests, speed was visibly faster using MySQL.
  3. Questions and Answers (FAQ)

Install Ipplan On Windows 8 1

Check the forums on SourceForge too.

The FAQ is no longer maintained in the manual - check online at the[82]IPplan homepage.

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  2. file://localhost/home/richarde/public_html/iptrackdev/ipplan/screenshots
  3. file://localhost/home/richarde/public_html/iptrackdev/ipplan/README.html

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